Principal's Desk

Dr.Sagar Dattatray Nimbalkar
"Success comes to those
Who work hard and stays with those,
Who don't rest on the laurels of the past"
Education is not merely acquirement of facts but also of values which helps us improve the different facets of mankind. A pivotal role of education lies in shaping the personality of a student into a healthy mind and happy soul. Therefore the system of education should work as a catalyst in making each student a balanced human being.
Therefore we aimed to equipped our colleges to prepare our students to face the challenges that the future holds.
It is our sincere efforts that student not only becomes a good technocrat and professional but also a good human with strong values and ethics. As we impart education to fulfil requirements of farming community, we march our students ahead with principles of humanity. We pride ourselves to help them grow and develop into sensitive and responsible citizens of next generation.
Thanking you,
(Shreemant Shivajiraje
College of Horticulture, Phaltan)